Flexible Search Overview
FlexibleSearch is a powerful query language used in SAP Hybris Commerce to retrieve data from the database. It provides a flexible and customizable way to perform searches, allowing developers and administrators to query and retrieve specific data based on various criteria. Here's an overview of FlexibleSearch in SAP Commerce:
Key Characteristics of Flexible Search:
1) SQL-Like Syntax: FlexibleSearch uses a syntax similar to SQL (Structured Query Language), making it familiar to developers who have experience with SQL.
2) Database-Agnostic: It is database-agnostic, meaning it can work with different types of databases (e.g., MySQL, Oracle, SAP HANA) that SAP Commerce supports.
3) Dynamic Queries: FlexibleSearch allows dynamic queries, where query parameters can be set at runtime. This flexibility is valuable for creating dynamic and adaptable queries.
4) Relational Data: It supports querying across related items and attributes, making it suitable for complex data retrieval scenarios.
5) Customization: Developers can write custom FlexibleSearch queries to suit specific business needs, including searching for products, customers, orders, and more.
Flexible Search Execution Phase
Flexible search query have two phases as discussed below:
1) Pre-parsing to SQL: In this phase of query execution first query is changed from flexible query to SQL compliant query. The query conversion depends on the database to which Hybris is connected.
2) Execution: The SQL complaint query will now be executed to the connected DB.
Flexible Query Syntax and attributes: The basic syntax of a Flexible Search query looks like this:
<selects> FROM <types> WHERE <conditions>
<selects> parameter for the SELECT clause.
<types> parameter for the FROM clause.
Optional <conditions> field for the WHERE clause.
Flexible Search Query Type
Here are some common types of Flexible Search query types in Hybris with examples for each:
1) Basic Search:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {code} = '12345'
2) Advanced Search with Multiple Conditions:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} LIKE '%shirt%' AND {price} < 50
3) Joins and Relations:
SELECT {p.pk} FROM {Product AS p JOIN Category AS c ON {p:categories} = {c:pk}} WHERE {c:code} = 'clothing'
4) Aggregation Functions (e.g., COUNT, SUM, AVG):
SELECT COUNT({pk}) FROM {Product}
5) Sorting:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {price} < 100 ORDER BY {price} DESC
6) Grouping and HAVING:
SELECT {c.code}, COUNT({pk}) FROM {Product AS p JOIN Category AS c ON {p:categories} = {c:pk}} GROUP BY {c.code} HAVING COUNT({pk}) > 10
7) Parameterized Queries:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} = ?productName
8) Subqueries:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {code} IN (SELECT {productCode} FROM {Promotion})
9) Fetching Specific Attributes:
SELECT {name} FROM {Product} WHERE {code} = '12345'
10) Pagination:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
11) Searching for Null or Not Null Values:
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {description} IS NULL
12) Union Queries:
(SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} LIKE '%shirt%') UNION (SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} LIKE '%pants%')
13) Conditional Statements (CASE):
SELECT {pk}, CASE WHEN {price} > 50 THEN 'Expensive' ELSE 'Affordable' END AS {priceCategory} FROM {Product}
14) Dynamic Queries (Using Scripting):
SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} = '{{myVar}}'
Flexible Search Execution Modes
Flexible Search execution from HAC: We can execute the flexible search from HAC by following steps :
1) Log into HAC
2) Click on Console > Open Flexible Search tab
3) Execute your Flexible Search Code
4) Open “SQL Query” to see the raw SQL code
6) Go to the Search result to see the results
Flexible Search execution using Search API : We can execute the flexible by java code in following steps.
1) Inject FlexibleSearchService in the Dao Class : You'll need to inject the FlexibleSearchService into your Dao class. This can be done using Spring's @Autowired or @Resource annotation.​
2) Create a FlexibleSearchQuery: Create an instance of Flexible Search Query and set the query string.
3) Execute the Query: Use the FlexibleSearchService to execute the query.
4) Process the Results: You can now work with the results from the query. The SearchResult object contains the matched items.
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.FlexibleSearchQuery;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.FlexibleSearchService;
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.SearchResult;
import java.util.List;
Public Class CustomProductDao
private FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService;
public List<ProductModel> findProductsByName(String name)
String queryString = "SELECT {pk} FROM {Product} WHERE {name} LIKE ?name";
FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(queryString);
query.addQueryParameter("name", "%" + name + "%");
SearchResult<ProductModel> result = flexibleSearchService.search(query);
return result.getResult();